Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions we get regularly asked

The lead price depends on the industry you operate and the cost of the data sets used in SMARTLeads, as some are cheaper than others. We complete a return on investment model for all clients to ensue you’ll make a profit from the lead we generate for you.

Yes. You get access to our QA and analytics reports which allows you to reject leads if the client’s details are not correct.

Yes – we have a money back guarantee. If we don’t generate any leads for you, you’ll get a refund, guaranteed.

SMARTLeads, which will generate leads from your or our profile data sets, affordable Price, Best Support, Verified Leads, Leads through WhatsApp, API, Online, call to action and hot key transfer, One Lead for One Customer, Lead swap option for bad leads and more

One Lead for One Customer, Lead swap option for bad leads, Leads generated through multiple source, Customer Conversion rate is high ( due to using profile data sets ), You will receive Leads through many different channels, and our unique software SMARTLeads this features makes us unique.